Do you have something you want to share with us? Don’t be shy! Reach out here:

Submission Guidelines 

Elephant Page Publishing is a publishing house located at
Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia.
Run by soon-to-be graduates of the writing and publishing majors
and guided by publishing professionals, our team is excited to make your
“elephant in the room” manuscript become a reality. 

We are delighted to announce that we are officially open for submissions and are looking for
new and emerging Australian voices. We are open to accepting manuscripts from a wide
variety of genres, and especially encourage works of creative non-fiction, fiction and poetry.
We are accepting prose manuscripts between 40,000 to 100,000 words and poetry collections of over 70 pages. 

Please follow the guidelines below to ensure your manuscript finds its way to us.  

Manuscript Guidelines

We are currently only taking submissions via 

Please do not send any hard copies. They will not be accepted or read.  

Submissions will always remain open, but please acknowledge that we may not respond during the university breaks.  

Upcoming breaks:  

  • End of Semester Break 14/06/24–22/07/24 

You are welcome to submit a manuscript during this time but there may be a delay in response.  

Please ensure your manuscript is follows our formatting requirements:

  • Font size 12pt

  • 1.5 spaced

  • In one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Arial or Helvetica  

Submissions – how to get your manuscript considered

Our preferred format to access your manuscript is a Word document sent via email to 

Please ensure the subject of your email states your full name and the title of your manuscript.  

In your email, please provide the following information: 

  • A brief introduction about yourself as an author (including whether this is your debut work or if you have prior publications/publishing experience, and pronouns) 

  • What genre/categories your work is best situated to 

  • Intended target audience 

  • A 200–300 word synopsis of your manuscript 

  • Main themes 

  • Any trigger warnings that may apply 

    What to expect after submission:

    You will receive an automated email message regarding your submission to
    Elephant Page Publishing – you do not need to respond, as we will contact you. 

    We understand the passion, devotion, time and effort authors put into their work,
    so we will try our best to let you know as soon as possible if your manuscript
    has been selected for publication. Elephant Page Publishing is thankful to all
    who submit their trusted work and as a small team we thank you in advance for your patience.  

    For further assistance in your writing ventures please check Resources

    We can’t wait to hear from you! 

    The Elephant Page Team 

For general inquiries, head to our contact page.